“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” – Robert F Kennedy

Chelsea Anne Hornby


Health & Wellness

Organisation / Company

Elle International


The journey of Chelsea Anne Hornby, 30, began with her struggling with her period. She focused her undergraduate research paper on challenges in women’s health, and then undertook a research journey through Africa, in which she survived assault and human trafficking. Determined to change conditions for African women, she decided to invest her life savings into establishing Elle International. Initially the goal was to provide a menstrual cup for women, but after eight years, Elle is now an organisation positioned to advance health equity in sub-Saharan Africa. It will do so through implementing technology that enables datasets for transformative research in women’s healthcare, and by providing a range of sustainable health products and services. Chelsea has also translated her traumatic experiences into education programmes that instil coping and resilience mechanisms to help women bounce back from adversity. Among the services Elle provides, or will provide, are: a smart menstrual product dispenser called Moxie; a production line for ecologically friendly sanitary products that will employ hundreds of people when fully scaled; at-home pregnancy test kits that use gold nanoparticles; and digital diagnostic services.


Bachelor of Social Science (Business Management, Communications, Public Relations), Monash University
FICA Awareness, Moonstone Business School of Excellence
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies, Boston University
Advanced Content Marketing, Boston University
MBA in a Box, Udemy.
Marketing Masterclass for Startups and Leaders, Udemy
IAS Marketing Masterclass Level 2, Gordon Institute of Business Science
Google AdWords certification, Google.
Diploma in Theology (Ministry), Team Impact Christian University
Diploma in Blogging and Content Creation, Shaw Academy
Diploma in Web Development, Shaw Academy
Diploma in Digital Marketing and Social Media Management, Shaw Academy


My organisation, Elle International, was born from a deep-seated desire to empower young women in Africa, focusing on women’s health. At 23 years old, I invested my savings into this mission, foregoing the typical pursuits of my peers. My journey has been one of adversity, including surviving human trafficking and assault. Yet, it was the fire of purpose that drove me on, turning each setback into empathy for those without a voice.
I’ve spent almost a decade passing through the fire of sacrifice and hardship that has galvanised a purpose to lead in transforming the future for women in Southern Africa.
I am humbled that in conjunction with a strong team of collaborators, Elle is now positioned to advance health equity at a regional level in Africa. It will do so through the implementation of state-of-the-art technology that enables datasets for transformative research, the implementation of AI in healthcare, and the provision of critical products and services across sub-Saharan Africa.


My sister, Kirsten Fawn Jenkin. She was a force for good. At the time she died in 2020, Kirsten was overseeing substantial Covid relief efforts in South Africa. Kirsten played a pivotal role in leading anti-human trafficking initiatives, establishing Love Justice International in Africa, and the National Freedom Network in South Africa. Since Kirsten’s passing, I have worked to elevate her social impact efforts, establishing long-term plans for commercial operations that benefit a foundation in her honour, in order to continue the work.