Turn your pain into purpose

Dimakatso Kanyane


Health & Wellness

Organisation / Company

Dimatrade (Pty) Ltd t/a Dillets sanitary towels


At 31, Dimakatso Kanyane is the chief executive of Dimatrade, which makes Dillets sanitary towels. Her primary role involves establishing and communicating the company’s vision and strategy. This involves setting long-term goals and outlining the steps necessary to achieve the goals, as well as ensuring that this vision aligns with the company’s values and is communicated effectively. Growing up in Siyabuswa, a rural area in Mpumalanga, she experienced the taboos surrounding menstruation, which contribute to period poverty. This inspired her to create Dillets, with the vision of making menstrual products accessible to women. Dimakatso believes that sanitary towels and menstrual education are a fundamental human right. “Too many girls and women in our country still lack access to these essential resources hindering their ability to fully participate in the society and realise their potential. This is not just a matter of health and hygiene, it’s a matter of human rights and dignity,” she says. About 10% of the company’s monthly revenue is donated to supply young girls from disadvantaged backgrounds with the personal hygiene necessities they require to live their lives confidently.


Business management, GIBS Business School


Growing up in Siyabuswa, a small rural area in Mpumalanga. I saw firsthand the taboos surrounding menstruation. It might have been a mix of culture and generational influence, but we were taught not to talk about our periods. I know most families think this is the most comfortable thing to do but I wish more people saw how much the barriers we place on normal bodily functions contributes to period poverty. I feel lucky to be part of societal changes so that we can all live with our basic needs met. Period poverty affects all communities and I’m happy that I can make a positive change in mine.


My mother, who is the most influential woman in my life, is one of the first woman leaders I encountered. She would call me and say, “Keep moving forward!” and these are the words that come to me when the going gets tough.