“Anything is possible.”

Goodman Lepota


Film & Media

Organisation / Company



Goodman Lepota, 30, kicked off his career at Google as the senior accounts manager, and in 2022, he founded Preamble, a data-based geopolitics and business insights platform about Africa. It uses long-form documentary series videos and short-form videos to explore key topics about business in Africa. Preamble’s videos have had more than a million views on YouTube and reached over 1.3 million accounts on Instagram. Goodman is continuously seeking ways to improve his business and unleash the potential of South Africa and its people, and believes that his contribution to the national dialogue is as essential as any other person’s. As someone who grew up in a township in Johannesburg, but left the country to study in New York, Goodman says that he hopes that the information on Preamble provides crucial knowledge and skills to the people in the country and those living outside of South Africa to understand the world, and that the estimated one million South Africans living and gaining skills abroad will someday return to the country. He says the next steps for the platform is to learn how to build revenue and see it grow from strength to strength.


Bachelor of Science in Finance & Marketing, Marist College, New York, United States


Preamble launched in 2022, but launched its YouTube account in February 2024 and has since reached over half a million views. They have a presence on Instagram as well, having reached over 1.3 million accounts as well. Preamble shares critical and important data about Africa. The platform has grown its following and subscriber base by 43% in 2024.


Yes, I have what I call my “braintrust” people who I have known for over a decade, this includes my mother. Some are formal mentors, some are former managers and some are my high school and university friends who I reach out for advice. I truly appreciate life-long relationships.