Tom Minney
THE Namibian Stock Exchange is on the way to independence. The NSE was set up in September 1992 and has so far been run by Namibia’s only stockbroker, Wikus Hanekom of Simpson McKie Inc.
With 10 listed shares, it is now moving to become independent over the next seven months, while Simpson McKie will continue to provide consultancy, expertise, training and other help. A new administrative officer will start next month, working with the two staff.
The NSE has already set up two key services, Namibian Stock Exch-ange Transfer Secretaries and Namibian Stock Exchange Central Depository. From next month it will have its own office in Windhoek city centre.
The government has made considerable pro-gress in bringing more home of Namibians’ savings, such as laws to encourage pension funds to invest more funds here, and other pressures.
The NSE chairman, Hans-Jurgen Steuber, said this is a challenge to local entrepreneurs. — The Namibian