SILAS Nkanunu, president of the South African Rugby Football Union has reacted to reports that Louis Luyt is preparing an attempted comeback and that moves are afoot to replace the game’s current executive. “It’s unfortunate but the fact can’t be ignored that it is the traditional, white-led unions that are involved,” Nkanunu, who succeeded Luyt in 1998, said on Wednesday. “It would seem that they are unhappy with the fact that the union is being led by a black. If that’s the case then they should spell it out loud and clear.” Eleven of SARFU’s 14 constituent unions met last Friday to discuss their grievances. Luyt, who has no formal position in rugby union, was present. The unions have been granted a meeting with Nkanunu on Friday. On Tuesday, South African Sports Minister Ngconde Balfour issued a statement aimed at quashing speculation that he was backing Luyt’s return to the game, telling him to keep his distance.