Pule waga Mabe The vice-chancellor of the University of the North, former Truth and Reconciliation Commission commissioner Biki Minyuku, has filed a review application in the Pretoria High Court against his suspension. Minyuku was suspended last December without knowing the charges against him, or a disciplinary hearing. Minyuku’s attorney, Solly Manamela, says the university disregarded the rules of natural justice, infringed his client’s constitutional rights and failed to follow correct procedures in appointing a disciplinary committee. Charges against Minyuku are based largely on irregularities relating to the appointment of staff. The university argues in papers filed at the high court that Minyuku acted illegally by purporting to appoint several new deans without consulting the senate. Minyuku’s appointment last January as vice- chancellor was contentious, with staff at the university claiming that correct procedures were not followed and that he was not qualified for the position. Last year several concerned groups wrote a letter to Minister of Education Kader Asmal and a task team was appointed. After the team reported back to Asmal, Minyuku was suspended on full pay and benefits. But four months after he was suspended, the university slashed his salary. Minyuku took the matter to the Labour Court, which ruled in his favour.