SAAMBOU said on Thursday it expected headline earnings for the six months ended 30 September to amount to about R65 million, equating to 40,7 cents per share, down from the headline earnings for the six months ended 30 September 2000 of R76-million, equating to 52,0 cents per share. Further, to comply with amended regulatory requirements, Saambou had cancelled its credit insurance policy and had brought its advances provision on to its balance sheet. Following a review of operations and accounting estimates, Saambou’s provisioning policy relating to personal loans had been revised to a more conservative basis, resulting in a once off additional post taxation adjustment of R70-million by increasing general provisions, which adjustment would not form part of headline earnings. Saambou said its traditional banking and insurance businesses continued to operate satisfactorily. Shareholders were advised to exercise caution in dealing in their shares until the results for the six months ended 30 September were released on or before 31 October. – Sapa