Court papers have been served on Parliament by African National Congress (ANC) MP Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, her lawyer said on Friday. This follows an announcement last week that she would seek redress in the Cape High Court after the National Assembly found her guilty of violating Parliament’s Code of Conduct.
A fortnight ago, MPs unanimously endorsed a recommendation by Parliament’s ethics committee that she be severely reprimanded by Speaker Dr Frene Ginwala and fined R12 500 for failing to disclose information in the register of members’ interests.
Madikizela-Mandela’s lawyer last week wrote a letter to Registrar of Members’ Interests Fazela Mohamed, in which he notified her of the impending action.
”The action will be instituted in the High Court of South Africa, Cape Provincial Division to be precise. This is an opportunity for our client to present her side of the story in accordance with the audi alteram partem (hear the other side) principle,” the letter stated.
On Friday, Madikizela-Mandela’s lawyer confirmed the papers had been served. He declined to comment further, saying the matter was now sub judice.
”The Sheriff (of the High Court) in Cape Town confirms the papers have been served… we now reserve all comment for the judge,” her lawyer said.
The Sheriff’s office on Friday confirmed the papers were served. A parliamentary representative was not immediately available for comment. – Sapa