/ 1 June 2002

About 100 000 legal refugees reside in SA

There are almost 100 000 legalised refugees in the country, the Department of Home Affairs said on Thursday, World Refugee Day.

Departmental representative Leslie Mashokwe said since the Refugees Act of 1998 became fully operational in 2000, the process of dealing with asylum applications in South Africa had improved significantly.

Said Mashokwe: ”Unlike in the past, there is a time frame of 180 days within which asylum applications have to be finalised? The process has also been decentralised to five Refugee Reception Offices of the Home Affairs department across the country where status determination officers have the power to grant refugee status to serving applicants.”

He said the project to eradicate the backlog of asylum claims pending since 1994 had been successfully completed and there was currently no backlog in dealing with asylum applications.

Once granted refugee status, a person enjoyed virtually the same privileges as a citizen and may work, conduct business or attend school.

”As from May, refugees were issued Refugee Identity Cards confirming their status in the country and the department, in conjunction with the United Nations High commissioner for Refugees, has started issuing UN Conventional Travel Documents to refugees wishing to travel beyond the orders of South Africa.”

Mashokwe said his department, in line with its vision of ”Rendering World-class Service,” would continue to render the best possible service to asylum seekers and refugees in the country.

”The department will also in conjunction with other role players, continue to educate the South African public on the plight of refugees, and to make a distinction between refugees who have been forced from their countries through circumstances beyond their control and illegal immigrants.” – Sapa