/ 15 May 2003

Wine body established

A prominent labour law and labour relations consultant, Nicky Taylor, has been appointed the first chief executive officer of the Wine Industry Ethical Trade Association (Wieta), Wines of South Africa said in a statement on Thursday.

The voluntary body aims to advance human rights among wine industry workers and will monitor and promote ethical trade practices.

Wieta, whose stakeholders include representatives from the country’s national government, organised labour, wine growers, wine producers and non governmental organisations, is funded from membership levies and monies derived from the export of duty-free wines to EU countries.

Wines of South Africa CEO Su Birch said the establishment of Wieta would lead to the protection of worker rights. This in turn would lead to better working conditions,

greater productivity and improved quality output.

”This can only enhance our competitive advantage internationally,” Birch said.

Wieta’s code has been influenced by the United Kingdom’s Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) which prohibits child and forced labour, the establishment of a healthy and safe working environment, the adoption of measures to attack alcohol dependence and advance freedom of association. – Sapa