/ 10 October 2003

A soul thing

escribe yourself in a sentence.

Complicated, loving, difficult, fun-loving, serious, easy-going and happy.

Describe your ideal reader.

Someone with an open mind who is looking for reading matter that is not the usual formulaic fodder.

What was the originating idea for the book?

To write something that would offer the reader something of substance, but still be a pleasure to read.

Describe the process of writing and publishing the book.

The book took me about a year and a half to write. I find the writing process a smooth one. I just sit there and it develops as I type it. Writer’s block is something I have not come across yet.

Name some writers who have inspired you, and tell us why.

PG Wodehouse, for his zany sense of humour, Jules Verne for the richness of his imagination and his compelling writing. These were childhood books that grabbed me.

Do you write by hand, or use a typewriter or computer?

Oh, I definitely use a computer! I cannot imagine how people write anything by hand.

What is the purpose of fiction?

To give readers a respite from their daily lives, by offering them a world in which they can immerse themselves. To stretch their imagination as they create their impression of this world. To explore human nature by considering the characters and their actions. To provide the reader with a pleasurable experience in the author’s mind.