A series of strikes are to hit the country next month in protest against the World Trade Organisation’s Non-Agricultural Market Access (Nama) proposals, Cosatu said on Thursday.
Spokesperson Patrick Craven said the Congress of South African Trade Unions is planning strikes in different sectors in May.
”The four-day action is also part of the jobs and poverty campaign. The strike would start in the manufacturing sector on May 9 followed by the public sector on May 11, mining and construction on May 16, and retail on May 18,” Craven said.
On Thursday, Cosatu briefed NGOs on its research on the effects of Nama proposals.
Cosatu’s Tanya van Meelis told NGOs delegates that the Nama proposals, drafted by the developed countries, call for a cut of tariffs in non-agriculture sectors.
She said in countries such as South Africa, this would lead to job losses in clothing, textile, jewellery and other industries.
”We plan to write letters to the Nama 11 [countries opposed to Nama proposals] and urge them to take a pro-development approach in the World Trade Organisation talks.”
Cosatu has already written to the government and other trade unions to mobilise opposition to the proposals of developed countries on Nama.
Craven said the government has expressed its sympathy on the matter. ”We don’t really need sympathy, but we want real action in economic policies.”
The NGOs agreed to show solidarity with Cosatu and said there is a need to mobilise employers to join the campaign.
”It is not only for the workers’ interests, because if the industry like the textile industry collapses it is also in the employers’ interest,” Craven said. — Sapa