When Microsoft launches its Zune to compete with Apple’s iPod, it won’t just be reversing its own strategies, but going against two decades of received wisdom. This could indicate a sea-change that will help more people get what they want. But it could also lead to users being increasingly locked into whichever systems they happen to buy — and ultimately paying higher prices.
In this case, the key word is ”experience”. When Microsoft announced Zune, it didn’t say it was going to ship a portable music player. Its press release was headed: ”Microsoft to Put Zune Experience in Consumers’ Hands on November 14.”
It was signalling that this isn’t just about shipping a product. It is, rather, about delivering a consumer experience that includes an online community and wireless music sharing between Zune owners. It is, says Microsoft, ”an end-to-end solution for connected entertainment”.
According to Ted Schadler, an industry analyst and vice-president of United States-based Forrester Research, that’s the new trend. ”Consumers hate complex things,” he says. ”They want to be handed a working solution.”
Last December, Forrester published a research note: ”Sell digital experiences, not products.” It points out that consumers buy products but often don’t buy the content and accessories they need to get all the benefits. For example, half the US consumers with high-definition TV sets don’t subscribe to HDTV programming. The conclusion: ”Digital industries must stop selling standalone devices and start delivering digital experiences — products and services integrated end-to-end under the control of a single application.”
The idea’s poster boy is Apple’s iPod system, which includes the online iTunes Music Store and iTunes software on personal computers. Analysts believe that this vertical integration of online store, PC and portable player enabled Apple to deliver the ease of use that helped it overwhelm the businesses that pioneered the digital music business, such as Elger Labs, Creative Labs and OD2 (On Demand Distribution), the online music service launched by musician Peter Gabriel.
Getting horizontal
The alternative is so-called horizontal integration. For example, in Microsoft’s rival Plays For Sure music system, users have a wide choice of MP3 players from different manufacturers, and a wide choice of online music stores, with Microsoft’s PC-based Windows Media Player in between. Devices and music services are supposed to be interchangeable, but all must support Microsoft’s digital rights management (DRM) if they want to copy-protect songs. However, this is openly licensed: anyone can play.
Microsoft has argued that this gives consumers more choices than Apple, which does not openly license FairPlay, its DRM. Apple’s online music store is the only one allowed to supply songs protected with FairPlay, and Apple iPods are the only portable MP3 players (not counting phones) that can play them. Some European governments, such as France, have objected to this approach, but it has been a huge success with consumers.
Apple’s vertical approach to the music market matches its vertical approach to personal computers, where it maintains control of both hardware and software, its own online service and even its own shops. Microsoft’s horizontal approach matches the one it took with its DOS and Windows operating systems: it licensed them as widely as possible. For Microsoft to try the vertical approach is out of character, and means it will be competing against itself and its own partners in Play For Sure.
But it’s not quite as shocking as it sounds. Zune has been produced by Microsoft’s Xbox games division, which already has a vertical integration strategy. It integrates the Xbox 360 console, Microsoft and third-party games, the Xbox Live online service and a built-in Media Centre Extender that relays movies and music from a PC to a TV set. Zune is just another extension to the Xbox game plan.
The trend towards vertical integration is also visible in the printing and digital photography markets, where companies are linking personal computers, printers, printer cartridges, photo paper and online services. Buy a Dell PC with a Dell printer and you will be prompted online when it’s time to order another Dell cartridge.
Is it worth trading some choice for simplicity and a better end-to-end experience? The problem is that vertical integration can give suppliers so much control that they can manipulate prices.
For example, a colleague was recently complaining in these pages about the price of a Nokia N80 phone, worth about $835 (R6 383). Vodafone offered him one for $464 (R3 547) on a contract, then reduced that to $278 (R2 130). He was upset because he could get one from Orange for $35 (R270), or even for free. Of course, the networks recover the money by overcharging for calls. But because they control the whole value chain, they can do it however they like.
Discovering the catch
In a horizontal market, people would buy their phones and call services separately. Everyone would know the real cost of each phone and would shop around for the best value contracts. Open competition would drive down both phone prices and call charges.
The markets for printers and games consoles are manipulated in the same sort of way. Printers are sold at close to cost, or perhaps less, with the difference being made up from sales of expensive ink cartridges and photo papers. Games consoles are almost always launched at a loss, with long-term profits coming from sales of high-priced games. Microsoft has been losing around $1-billion a year on the Xbox, and Sony’s PlayStation 3 will lose well over $1-billion in its first year.
Microsoft didn’t want to do this. Its original idea was to sell a software platform supported by multiple hardware manufacturers, like the PC model. But hardware companies did not queue up to sell consoles at a loss so that Microsoft could make extra-large profits on the games. They also didn’t see much chance of selling hardware at a profit when rival consoles were being sold at a loss.
Many of us have seen it all before. Data processing was like this from the start and the ultimate master of vertical integration was IBM. It did the research, designed and built the hardware, software and networking, told you what you needed, trained your staff and did the maintenance. If you were short of cash to pay for it, it owned a bank: IBM Credit Corp. Other large computer companies — Digital Equipment Corp, Data General, Sperry, Burroughs, Control Data, Wang etc — also adopted the vertical approach. And, of course, they were all incompatible with one another.
These integrated systems suited customers who did not know much about computing. However, they soon discovered the catch: once you had bought a system, it was hard or perhaps impossible to switch to a different supplier. Relief eventually arrived in the form of portable or cross-platform software and horizontal applications such as Unix and the Oracle database. In a vertically integrated market, most customers used the database that integrated with their system, such as IBM’s DB2 or DEC’s RDb. In the new horizontal market, they could buy Oracle to run on IBM hardware, or on DEC hardware, or on Unix, and so on.
Soon, most of the big vertically integrated computer suppliers disappeared, to be replaced by big parts suppliers such as Intel and AMD (processors), Microsoft (operating systems), Western Digital (hard drives), Cisco (routers), Epson and Hewlett-Packard (printers). Competition removed much of the vendor lock-in and brought prices crashing down.
Unfortunately, it also meant that if system suppliers were no longer doing the vertical integration, customers had to do it themselves. In effect, they had to assemble their own systems from parts that might never have been tested together. No wonder the result often resembled Frankenstein’s monster.
Vertical integration may now be making a comeback because consumers are facing the problems businesses faced before: integrating a wide array of products that they barely understand. These include PCs, printers and webcams, smartphones, portable media players, digital cameras, set-top boxes and digital video recorders, games consoles, internet phones and home networking.
In this situation, Schadler is probably right to say that ”solution providers [who] eliminate many barriers to adoption will tend to win”. But I also suspect that as these markets grow and mature, they will tend to tip over into horizontal ones. If we’re going have 10 000 manufacturers, we can’t have 10 000 different processors or operating systems, and we don’t want 10 000 different DRMs. Common standards have to emerge.
Kevin Werbach, assistant professor at the Wharton business school at the University of Pennsylvania, says: ”Most of the time, and in the long run, the open platform solution will win. But not always. The successful technology companies are generally those who are not religious about vertical or horizontal approaches, but who appreciate that a platform is more valuable when other companies have appropriate incentives to build and compete on top of it.
”Insist on too much integration, and you become Sony, fumbling the crucial PlayStation 3 launch because it’s trying to drive sales of Blu-ray and copy-protected Hollywood movies. Insist on a horizontal approach too long, and you risk becoming Netscape or Dell, with competitors able to undercut or outflank you. Today, there are just significantly more moving pieces in this equation, and much more money at stake than ever before.”
The rebirth of verticalisation
Geoffrey A Moore is the guru of Silicon Valley marketing, managing director at TCG Advisors and has written best-selling business books including Crossing The Chasm, Inside The Tornado, Living on the Fault Line and The Gorilla Game. He comments:
”In the old vertical model, the goal was to maximise wallet share of customer by building everything yourself to a proprietary standard. However, if any part of your value chain misfired, you could not ship the system. This happened more and more as markets began to grow at very fast rates. By shifting to the horizontal model, customers could fulfil their demand via many more swappable elements, which in turn led to better overall systems availability. Today that ride is largely over and ‘verticalisation’ is coming back into vogue, but for a different reason. We are now in a consumer model where the razor/razor-blade effect dominates. If you do not design the razor, you do not get to sell your blade. Additionally, end-to-end design accountability creates better consumer experiences (witness Apple with iPod, iTunes, Apple stores, proprietary Macintoshes), and these — not price/performance advances — are becoming the determining factor in buying decisions.
”That all said, don’t overstate the scope of this movement. MySpace, YouTube and Facebook are all examples of horizontally open systems that are doing very well. Again, this is because there is a huge mismatch between the massive amount of supply coming online versus the ability of a proprietary model to generate a comparable amount of content.” – Guardian Unlimited Â