Members of the Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) and several other organisations, including the Anti-Privatisation Forum and the Traditional Healers’ Organisation, gathered at the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s (SABC) head offices in Johannesburg on Friday to demand a transparent and accountable public broadcaster.
The march came after a number of picket actions at SABC offices in Durban, Cape Town and Limpopo last month, requiring a response to a memorandum of grievances given to the public broadcaster in November last year.
In the memorandum, the protesters voiced their frustration with the broadcaster by saying that the SABC ”is supposed to report in a manner that is fair, balanced and free from prejudice”.
In addition, the FXI stated that ”the SABC seems to have become a fully fledged mouthpiece of government and the ANC [African National Congress]”.
At Friday’s gathering, attended by about 300 people, FXI director of operations Na’eem Jeenah told the Mail & Guardian Online the protest action would ”make a strong point nationally and show our concerns with the public broadcaster”.
The FXI wants the SABC to clarify why the screening of a documentary about President Thabo Mbeki was suddenly cancelled last year, and wants answers concerning the broadcaster’s blacklisting of commentators.
According to the FXI website, the SABC is refusing ”to release the report of the commission of inquiry into the blacklisting saga and, recently, the resignation of a number of staff members from the news department”.
Earlier picket actions by the FXI and its affiliated organisations were fruitless. Should there be any response to their demands now?
”The SABC has not been negotiating with us so far. Today they are promising this and tomorrow they are doing that,” complained Torong Ramela, organiser of the demonstration. ”But we are going to intensify our struggle until they reflect the interests of all South Africans.”
No SABC officials were available to answer the M&G Online‘s questions on Friday afternoon.