/ 6 August 2007

Ecologists lash Ecuador for legalising shark-fin sales

Hundreds of sharks have been slaughtered daily off the coast of Ecuador since a ban on the sale of fins was lifted last week, prompting warnings of ecological disaster.

Fishing boats have returned to shore laden with fins of dozens of species, including several that are threatened with extinction, which are vital to maintaining biodiversity, according to critics.

The spectacle of fins piled up on piers has triggered a political row, pitting the government and fishermen against the rest of the country. Most of the fins are exported to Asia, where they end up in soup bowls.

”It is a big mistake. More than 400 sharks are being caught every day — that damages the whole [food] chain,” said Esperanza Martínez, of the advocacy group Ecological Action. Others say up to 1 000 are being caught.

Shark fishing remains illegal but President Rafael Correa legalised the sale of fins of sharks caught accidentally, saying the revenue would help impoverished fishermen to feed their families. However, with no clear way to determine whether a shark was caught accidentally or intentionally, the fishermen appear to regard the move as a green light to kill as many as they want in Ecuador’s Pacific waters.

Last week a police raid netted two tonnes of fins allegedly caught before the ban was lifted but the haul was returned after the fishermen protested.

Fins can fetch up to $100 each, a huge sum to artisanal fishermen and middlemen, though the price has tumbled in the past week because supply has surged.

Correa, a left-wing economist elected last year on the promise of easing poverty, is courting fishing communities in the run-up to next month’s constituent assembly elections.

Allies have hinted that the ban, perhaps in a softer form, could be reinstated after the poll. ”The government should search for alternatives,” said Alberto Acosta, a leading assembly candidate. – Guardian Unlimited Â