Two Labour Department inspectors were arrested after allegedly receiving a bribe from a construction-site employer on Monday, the Department of Labour said.
Spokesperson Zolisa Sigabi said the two were arrested in Witbank, Mpumalanga, after they accepted a bribe.
”The two officials were nabbed in a trap during a joint operation between the department and the police.
”The suspects were extorting R3 000 from a construction employer whom they had found to be unlawfully employing illegal immigrants while they visited the site last Friday,” said Sigabi.
She said the employer had agreed to go to a nearby bank where he would withdraw the money. ”But on finding the bank full, they postponed the transaction to today [Monday].
The employer then contacted the department’s provincial offices to verify the legality of the fine, and the trap was set in motion.
Sigabi said that the construction-site employer photocopied the bank notes and handed the photocopies to police. ”As the two inspectors left the bank, police approached them and found the notes in their possession, matching the copies, and they were then arrested.”
Following the arrests, Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana praised the police for the arrests and added that the arrests would act as a deterrent to corrupt officials.
”Their action was unfortunate and damaging the name of our inspectorate division. We condemn the action in the strongest possible terms,” he said.
Sigabi said that an internal investigation would be conducted.
This comes after the launch of nationwide inspections at construction sites. The inspections will end on Friday. — Sapa