/ 19 August 2010

Call for Submissions on the Sectional Titles Schemes


Call for Submissions on the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Bill [B20-2010] and Community Scheme Ombud Services Bill [B21-2010]

The Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements invites interested stakeholders and persons to submit written comments on the Sectional Titles Scheme Management Bill [B20-2010] and Community Scheme Ombud Services Bill [B21-2010]

The Sectional Titles Scheme Management Bill seeks to:

  • Remove the scheme governance provisions currently contained in the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986) from that Act and to incorporate these provisions in the
    proposed Bill and in respect of the management of sectional title scheme; to give effect to Cabinet’s strategy to bring all housing-related legislation currently administered by other Departments under the administration of the Department of Human Settlements (”the Department”).
  • The Community Scheme Ombud Services Bill seeks to:

  • Establish the Service as a national public entity listed in terms of the Public Finance
    Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999). The main objective of the Service is to monitor and control the administration and occupation of private and common areas in community schemes, and be involved in issues of governance in community schemes. The Service will develop and provide a framework for the avoidance and resolution of disputes in community schemes and the custody of community scheme governance
    documentation determined by the Minister of Human Settlements.

Submissions and enquiries must be directed to Ms Koliswa Pasiya, the Committee Secretary,
and addressed to the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, 3rd Floor, 90 Plein Street,
Cape Town 8000 or e-mailed to [email protected] or faxed to 086 666 0984, by no later than 12:00 on 3 September 2010. Public hearings will be held in Parliament on 8 and 10 September 2010. Please indicate your interest in making an oral presentation.

Copies of the Bill may be obtained from either Ms Koliswa Pasiya, tel: 021 403-3725 or cell:083 709 8495 or on the Parliamentary website at www.parliament.gov.za

Issued by: Hon BN Dambuza, Chairperson: Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements.

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