/ 3 September 2011

Malema’s disciplinary hearing to continue on September 11

Malema's Disciplinary Hearing To Continue On September 11

The disciplinary hearing involving the ANC Youth League’s top leaders has been postponed to Sunday, September 11, the ANC’s national disciplinary committee has announced.

“Argument will be heard on September 11, 2011 and a finding handed down in due course,” committee chair Derek Hanekom said on Saturday.

“The postponement was as a result of the availability of parties to the hearing.”

Hundreds of Julius Malema supporters gathered in the streets of Johannesburg on Tuesday as Juju faced the first day of his disciplinary hearing. Journalists and police were pelted with rocks and other debris, and T-shirts bearing Jacob Zuma’s face were burnt.

African National Congress Youth League president Julius Malema, spokesperson Floyd Shivambu, deputy president Ronald Lamola, treasurer general Pule Mabe, secretary general Sindiso Magaqa and deputy secretary general Kenetswe Masenogi are all facing charges of misconduct.

Malema also faces individual charges of bringing the ANC into disrepute and sowing divisions in ANC ranks.

He recently said the youth league would send a team to Botswana to consolidate local opposition parties and to help bring about regime change, as it believed the government there was “in full co-operation with imperialists” and undermining the “African agenda”.

“The disciplinary hearing of comrade Julius Malema will also resume on Sunday, September 11, 2011. Three days have been set aside for the completion of this hearing,” said Hanekom.

The disciplinary hearing for the youth league’s secretary general Sindiso Magaqa, who faces a single charge of misconduct, would be finalised in the same period.

A date had not been set yet for Shivambu’s hearing.

On Friday, the committee turned down Malema’s application to have charges against him dropped.

He brought the application on Tuesday and the committee considered the appeal on Wednesday and Thursday. — Sapa

For more news and multimedia on ANC Youth League president Julius Malema click here.