The South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) has refuted media reports about the impounding of vehicles where a road user has outstanding e-toll fees.
The agency said in a statement on Thursday that these reports were based on assumptions about and interpretations of the draft regulations pertaining to the South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) and National Roads Act.
The draft regulations do not mention anywhere that road users’ vehicles would be impounded if they have outstanding toll fees, it said.
The draft regulations instead state that: “where any vehicle is parked or left on a national road in a position or in circumstances which in the opinion of such an authorised employee appointed in terms regulation 2 (2) (a), is likely to cause danger or an obstruction to other traffic on such road, that employee may remove it forthwith to a government facility and in the case where such a vehicle was carrying persons who will be left stranded at the scene if the vehicle is so removed, the authorised employee may arrange and contract with any other person to provide the necessary transport to such persons: Provided that such employee shall, in removing such vehicle, use such device or devices as may be necessary, having regard to the public safety.” — I-Net Bridge