The minister believes liquified petroleum gas is needed in the energy mix, but some experts are not convinced of its merits
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Irene Simelane, who lost her grandniece in the fatal accident, speaks to The Daily Vox’s Nolwandle Zondi about the moment her fears were confirmed.
US actor and comedian Tracy Morgan was in critical condition on Saturday after a fatal six-vehicle accident in New Jersey, police said.
The police are expected to question the president’s son after his car was allegedly involved in an accident that killed one and injured two.
A road in the North West that is just 50km long 
has so far cost almost R5-million per kilometre to build and after four years is still unfinished.
Road accidents in South Africa have killed 765 people so far this month as the holiday season gets under way, traffic authorities have said.
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/ 20 December 2009
Metro police will conduct a number of road blocks
in an attempt to curb drunken driving as road accidents rise with ten people killed in a bus crash.
A freeboarding outing among colleagues turned into a freak accident in Kugersdorp on Sunday afternoon after an aeroplane collided with a car.
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/ 17 December 2008
A worker has been killed in an accident at Harmony Gold’s Tshepong mine in the Free State, the company said on Wednesday.
At least 13 people were killed on Friday when a chartered bus carrying Vietnamese churchgoers plunged off a highway bridge in Texas.
Eleven people died in Mpumalanga on Friday as a result of a head-on collision between a truck and a bakkie, police said.
Thirty-seven Egyptians were killed and 38 injured when a train collided with three vehicles in northern Egypt on Wednesday, security sources said.