South Africa is also playing a leading role during negotiations for climate policies, and is using its position to advance conversations for the whole of Africa
The Climate Change Act is the country’s first comprehensive piece of legislation to encourage the development of an effective climate change response
From a promising start to a timid end, this year’s Conference of the Parties hasn’t delivered enough
Why do fossil fuels have a voice and space at the Conference of the Parties in Dubai?
Last year floods battered KwaZulu-Natal and this week the Western Cape saw immense damage
The first Africa Climate Summit is in full spring; Mohamed Adow of think-tank Power Shift says the continent must be part of the solution to a just transition
Adaptation and climate finance will take centre stage at next week’s summit with the theme ‘driving green growth and climate finance solutions for Africa and the world’
Climate is seen and dealt with in large part from a masculine point of view and this must change
Climate change diplomacy is a game of give and take — and it would appear that the environment and humanity will have to keep on giving
Financial commitments and pledges made by developed countries must be honoured and developed countries must offer meaningful and credible support to developing countries
About 21 million people on the Horn of Africa are projected to be in crises of acute food insecurity between now and the end of the year
For the first time a study has identified 56 heritage sites on the continent’s coast that are exposed to a one-in-100 year coastal extreme event, flooding and erosion
Infrastructure is responsible for 79% greenhouse gas emissions and plays an important role in supporting national development priorities and achieving the targets of the 2015 Paris Agreement
The Bill, which will facilitate South Africa’s transition to a greener economy, compels businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that accelerate climate change
By 2050, more than 570 cities will be vulnerable to sea-level rise, more than 500 cities will be vulnerable to water shortages, and more than 970 cities will be vulnerable to extreme heat
R10-billion in capital investment is needed for prioritised mitigation actions until 2050, as well as an annual operating budget of about R25-billion for the same period
South Africa’s latest proposed reduction targets on greenhouse gas emissions, while an improvement on before, do not go far enough to avert a disastrous rise in global temperatures this century.
In a recent study, the authors examined the climate change risk to 1 190 species used by 19 indigenous language groups in Southern Africa
The life of blues pioneer Gertrude ‘Ma’ Rainey and her song Black Bottom have been turned into a film. Bongani Madondo laments its anticlimax
Phumlani Pikoli’s latest piece is a metafiction based on what could happen if spike jonze and Ira Glass met