A recruitment agency sent out an advert for specifying the marketing manager job at a high-end dealership was for ‘non-employment equity/affirmative action’ people (‘slightly prefer males’)
While teaching students during lockdown, institutions of higher learning are also using their expertise to make masks, develop vaccines and research labour abuses
Talking about a revolution is fitting given the state’s performance over the past 25 years
Despite a legal obligation to inform on their comrades, workers across the country are refusing to do so, resulting in dismissal
In recent weeks, three cases have come to light that clearly show that labour court judges are issuing court orders forbidding strikes
The Casual Workers Advice Office has dealt with at least nine different cases that have been unfairly postponed at the CCMA
The strike was ignored by three other federations, who described the action as a miscalculation
Labour brokers are fighting a law that advances calls to ban the practice
A work organiser at the Casual Workers Advice Office has never lost a case at the CCMA, and he has helped workers return to their previous jobs.