Security upgrades and new technology that allows for faster downloads announced, among others
Effective data security includes implementing robust data encryption measures, stringent access controls and regular staff training programmes
More than half of South African firms have been affected by ransomware in the past year
Global rise in cyber crime as threat actors target vulnerable systems
Posting intimate details of our of our personal and professional online gives cybercriminals valuable information
Three cyber threats we might encounter is this new digital realm and how to deal with them
Eskom, parliament, constitutional court, looting could all be linked. ‘We smell a rat’, says Blade Nzimande
An explainer on what constitutes as cyberwar
An intelligence agency may still break into software companies to backdoor their software, and probably will.
"The challenge for university cybersecurity is to govern security in a way that doesn’t hamper research, teaching or learning."
The cyber hacktivists are divided over #OperationTrump, with some saying it was counter to their tradition of not taking sides in political contests.
China says there is no proof North Korea was behind the Sony cyber attack, and Pyongyang says it will retaliate against the US mainland if need be.
In a move to prove it had nothing to do with the cyber attack on Sony Pictures, North Korea offers its efforts to investigate the matter with the US.
Celebrities have criticised the decision made by movie theatres and Sony to cancel "The Interview"’s December 25 release after threats from hackers.
SA businesses face unprecedented levels of cyber attacks as global security vulnerabilities against systems reach their highest recorded level.
A Canada-based bitcoin bank has had to close down after losing about $600 000 in bitcoins to a hacker – a loss it says it cannot come back from.
An advanced Spanish-speaking "threat actor" dubbed "The Mask" has been discovered to be behind global cyberespionage operations since at least 2007.
Hacker group the Syrian Electronic Army has claimed credit for the Twitter and Huffington Post hacks in a series of Twitter messages.
Apple has apologised to Chinese consumers after government media criticised its repair policies in a campaign that reeked of economic nationalism.
A legal review has concluded that the US president can order pre-emptive cyberstrikes if the country finds evidence of a digital attack against it.
US and Chinese officials have taken part in war games in bid to prevent military blowout resulting from rising anger over cyberattacks.
New forms of fraud are emerging that are making bank cyber fraud even more lucrative than the drug trade, says an auditing expert.
McAfee says it has found the biggest series of cyberattacks to date involving the infiltration of the networks of 72 organisations, including the UN.
An estimated 60% of South African businesses are not insured against cyberattacks while most are not aware insurance against these attacks exists.
The US defence agency that invented the forerunner to the internet is working on a "virtual firing range" intended as a replica of the real internet.
A cybersecruty expert said the intruders’ goal had been to install software that would give a nation state a "digital insider presence" on the IMF.
ESET has highlighted new cyber scams emerging in South Africa following the recent killing of Osama bin Laden and ongoing conflict in Libya.
Sony has introduced its new generation PlayStation Vita gaming handset and blockbuster 3D console as it sought to shake off the cyberattacks stigma.
Google has become a "political tool" vilifying the Chinese government, an official Beijing newspaper has said of Google’s hacking attack claims.
US systems are constantly under attack and the Pentagon is working to identify hackers who will be responded to in kind or with traditional action.
Lockheed Martin, the US government’s top IT provider, said on Saturday it had thwarted "a significant and tenacious attack" on its systems.
The e-G8 summit in Paris on the power of the internet was disrupted by cyber-attacks on the forum’s wireless connection.