No services, no jobs, as businesses flee Free State municipality
/ 24 January 2025

No services, no jobs, as businesses flee Free State municipality

Wrangling in the ANC, incompetence and corruption have brought the council close to collapse

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/ 17 October 2005

No change, no vote

A year after Harrismith’s impoverished Intabazwe township erupted against poor service delivery, the community has vowed they will not vote, or will vote for opposition parties, in the upcoming local government elections. They insist that promises made by the African National Congress-led council have been dishonoured.

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/ 18 March 2005

Crashing helicopter barely misses kids’ playground

Four air-crew members have survived a South African Air Force helicopter crash outside the Bergview Engen One-Stop in Harrismith on Friday morning, emergency services said. The helicopter crashed about 100m from the complex. ”One blade hit a car on the freeway and spun into the complex where there were about 60 kids in the playground,” a witness said.

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/ 3 September 2004

Harrismith cleans up after riots

Police were mopping up streets in Intabazwe at Harrismith on Friday after three days of rioting that claimed the life of a teenager. Municipal workers helped to clear away burnt tyres, car wrecks and rocks left behind by demonstrators. The protests were sparked by what was termed poor service delivery.

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/ 2 January 2004

Call for probe into tourist bus crash

KwaZulu-Natal transport MEC S’bu Ndebele on Thursday called for an independent investigation into an accident on the Harrismith-Bergville road in which eight British tourists died. Ndebele also sent his condolences to the families bereaved by the accident, which took place at 4pm on New Year’s Eve.