After several years out of the limelight, Kwesta hopes to rediscover his flair with an experimental new collaborative project.
The local music industry can’t place the blame for its current state solely on the Covid-19 pandemic; it’s been in a mess for a while
Refiguring ugogo as a critical figure in the making of Black [visual] archives
Podcasts are gaining prominence as a tool to document South African popular culture, but they still have a long way to go as a medium and business
Artist-run platforms are overtaking traditional media, but what does this mean for a critical approach?
For good vibes and an arts fix, don’t miss this
“To remain relevant to the current generation, kwaito will need to shape-shift and reinvent itself akin to the evolution of hip-hop. “
"My aim is to take the local story and make it global and give the world an honest portrayal of where I come from."