The majority had made a decision and that was how democracy worked, the deputy president told the National Assembly
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DA leader says voters face a clear choice in next year’s national polls after president lost the opportunity to pull back from the brink
The chairperson of the state capture commission and acting chief justice said he had no bias in favour of the president or any against his predecessor, but proceeded on the basis of evidence, without thought as to whether it could deny him the post of chief justice
The aspirant chief justice said it might give the country a fighting chance against corruption but Justice Minister Roland Lamola said there would be no point unless the state’s investigating capacity was strengthened at the same time
The ANC has reportedly received assurances from smaller parties about continuing existing coalitions, but its top leaders are hesitant to work with Julius Malema
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Independent candidates look set to play a greater role in the metro municipality after 1 November
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Journalists Emsie Ferreira and Lizeka Tandwa chat to Mmusi Maimane, Paul Berkowitz and Narend Singh about the state of the opposition
The minister addresses the future of the country’s state-owned entities and speculation they may be moved from his portfolio
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The provinces cite limited capacity and funds to implement the regulations
The lockdown has prevented public consultations and parliamentary committee meetings on the commercial use of marijuana and hemp
Hundreds of legislators won’t be able to meet in parliamentary chambers after restrictions on gatherings to curb the spread of Covid-19 disease
The M&G understands the ANC offered the position to the IFP in exchange for support in metros lost during 2016 local government elections
Privatisation is not on the agenda the minister says
The ANC was absent from a debate among political parties about economic policies held on Wednesday at the University of Witwatersrand.
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/ 23 January 2008
Hard labour for hardened convicts was one of the proposals presented at the launch of the Inkatha Freedom Party’s (IFP) Purpose, Vision and Values Programme in Durban on Wednesday. Addressing the issue of crime in the country, the IFP’s Stan Larkan told the more than 3 000 delegates that ”hard labour needs to be introduced”.
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/ 26 September 2007
The case against two men and a woman accused of abducting and murdering five women whose bodies were found in sugar-cane fields on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast was on Wednesday remanded to October 10. The initial appearance of the three was heard in camera, on request from the state.