SANDF’s ‘sick’ training camps defy lockdown
/ 8 July 2021

SANDF’s ‘sick’ training camps defy lockdown

Despite Covid-19 regulations and increases in infections, the army has continued some training courses, putting hundreds of students’ lives at risk

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/ 3 November 2005

SA ostrich farmers fear bird flu

South Africa, the world’s largest exporter of ostrich meat, is taking extensive measures to prevent a bird-flu outbreak that could cripple an industry still reeling from a year-long ban on exports. As migratory birds from Europe and Asia head for Africa, South African ostrich farmers are taking all possible steps to prevent a crisis.

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/ 6 April 2005

European ban bites into SA ostrich industry

A century ago, ostrich plumes were South Africa’s most valuable export after gold, diamonds and wool. The outbreak of World War I and the advent of the motor car — which made fancy-feathered hats impractical — snapped the trend in flight. Today, ostrich feathers and other luxury goods such as ostrich leather and meat are making a global comeback, one that faces new threats.