The ANC needs to come up with serious plans to tackle unemployment, poverty and inequality, not just catchy phrases
The president needs to report back to South Africa on what his government has – and hasn’t – achieved since 2018
We need a commission of inquiry to find the central characters in the tragic event that played out in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.
Once again, people of all races, religions and ages have come together to sort out the devastation that can largely be laid at the doorstep of our government
More resources are being invested in early childhood development programmes
Promises of hope and a better tomorrow await South Africa. Yet they continue to come to naught
The country is missing a viable social policy
Ramaphosa draws on divine support – and ruffles the Thekwini mayor’s feathers
The ANC’s Western Cape list has not yet been made public, but it is understood that veteran provincial legislator Cameron Dugmore tops the list
The ANC appears to have lost sight of the idea of freedom as something that we continue to strive towards
She credits her parents and their work ethic for the person she has become and she encourages others to follow suit
In the public-school system, more than 11 000 schools have been provided with flush toilets since 1994
Provincial departments have an estimated R25-billion in unpaid bills
SMMEs require collateral to get going and thrive: trust is the key
‘Ramaphosa’ by DJ Luvas has a playful approach, turning the seriousness of the president’s Thuma Mina premise on its head.
‘All the problems of unemployment and inequality are all getting worse since President Ramaphosa took over’
Despite a national leadership being elected, factional divides continue to plague the organisation and have been visible at provincial level
Fixating on the 100 days in office comes with an interesting history, and lessons
Ramaphosa’s appropriation of Bra Hugh’s version of #CountryDuty falls into the realm of the calculated PR stunt.