For 2010, articles on banking costs were definitely a highlight for Smart Money readers, followed by pieces on toll roads and savings.
Banking fees are a real bugbear for customers, but do we do enough to shop around and make sure we get the best deal?
Once toll roads are in place it will add significantly to the cost of transport. The government needs to put in place an effective public transport to provide cheaper alternatives.
How much we save will have more of an impact on our final lump sum than where we save. But in terms of performance, fees have more impact on final returns than fund manager excellence.
Deciding on the right savings vehicle for retirement is an important decision. Company pension funds are usually the most cost-effective choice if the employer is paying the fees.
Albert Einstein referred to compound interest as the eighth wonder of the world. When compounding interest turns R60 000 into R2,3-million you understand exactly what he meant.