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/ 2 June 2008

UK: Mugabe’s presence at food summit ‘obscene’

Britain criticised as obscene the presence of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe at this week’s global food summit in Rome, saying he had inflicted shortages on millions of his own people by his ”profound misrule”. Mugabe flew into Rome late on Sunday, making his first official trip abroad since elections condemned by Western leaders as fraudulent.

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/ 2 June 2008

Mugabe in Rome for food summit

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe flew into Rome for a global food summit on Sunday, his first official trip abroad since elections condemned by Western and opposition leaders as fraudulent. A British Foreign Office spokesperson said: ”It is a matter of concern to us and we would prefer that he did not attend.”

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/ 27 May 2008

Carter: Israel has at least 150 atomic weapons

Former United States president Jimmy Carter has said Israel holds at least 150 nuclear weapons, the first time a US president has publicly acknowledged the state’s atomic arsenal. Asked how a future US president should deal with the Iranian nuclear threat, Carter put the risk in context by listing atomic weapons held globally.

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/ 31 March 2008

Motorsport boss under pressure over sex video

Max Mosley, president of motorsports’ governing body FIA, is under pressure after a British tabloid reported on Sunday that he engaged in sex acts with prostitutes that involved Nazi role- playing. The News of the World reported that Mosley (67) paid five sex workers £2 500 in cash and then engaged in an orgy that lasted almost five hours.

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/ 28 November 2007

Trouble brewing over anti-Qur’an film

A Dutch conservative lawmaker said on Wednesday he is making a film to highlight what he describes as ”fascist” passages in the Qur’an, his latest high profile criticism of Islam. Wilders plans to depict parts of the Qur’an he says are used as inspiration ”by bad people to do bad things”.

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/ 11 November 2007

‘Norman was a working man. Lord, did he work’

Norman Mailer would probably not have wanted an old man’s death. He would have preferred some other way — an accident, a bar fight or a lover’s brawl — so that his death, like his life, could inspire or appal or, above all, make people talk. But Mailer, a giant of American literature, died of renal failure on Saturday in a New York hospital bed.

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/ 10 November 2007

Late Captain America back from the dead?

Comic-book hero Captain America may not be back from the dead, but he is back — sort of. After Marvel Comics unexpectedly killed off the champion of liberty and the American way earlier this year, he appears in a comic made exclusively for United States soldiers. He is seen on a videotape made before his death.