America’s Africa policy needs a rethink
/ 5 February 2021

America’s Africa policy needs a rethink

When it comes to engagement with Africa, the United States has lost ground to China, Russia, Turkey, and the Gulf States. That’s why the new Biden administration needs new policies for the continent, writes Gregory Meeks, chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the US Congress

Thandika Mkandawire: A tree for African intellectuals to lean on and consult
/ 1 May 2020

Thandika Mkandawire: A tree for African intellectuals to lean on and consult

Professor Thandika Mkandawire, the Malawian economist, passed away in late March. Influential African intellectuals, as well as his many admirers and academics the world over, are still distilling the disappearance of one of the most prolific and creative minds they have ever come across.  The disheartening news hit me while under confinement in Cape Town, […]