With the advent of coalition politics at local and national level, policies are needed that help to maintain stability
Advanced democracies with coalition governments and strong committees understand the necessity of developing rules and institutions to mitigate executive unaccountability
The mining resources parliamentary portfolio committee and the department have continued to ignore the interests and rights of communities affected by mining
The government, civil society organisations and public and private institutions need to take the initiative
New legislation aims to protect local jobs in the transport sector amid questions as to whether SA has enough willing and skilled drivers
The court held that sections of the law providing for absolute taxpayer secrecy posed an unconstitutional limitation on the right to information and gave parliament two years to correct this
Research by a Cape-based academic centre found that the implementation of legislative provisions was done selectively in South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Malawi and Zambia
Proposed bill to ban private gun ownership contradicts research and impact assessment findings
Once again, political expediency has trumped principled action
The sugar tax is helping to reduce obesity and its related diseases in South Africa
Be aware that history repeats itself — even when two types of government appear vastly different
The water department has failed to show how a farmer contravened the law when he diverted a river, creating a drought in the valley below.
Some climate change deniers in the United States Senate have realised they are increasingly out of step with the public.
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/ 27 January 2015
Issuing the proclamation led to a situation that could discourage practitioners from providing essential services for fear of criminal sanction.
The return of the controversial Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Bill for review could bode a legislative procedural nightmare.
The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Bill was sent back for reconsideration because it did not pass constitutional muster.
The ruling party has said it wants to "walk away" from rushing legislation that may be unconstitutional or exclusionary.
Political parties are responding cautiously to a Bill that would legalise the medical use of cannabis in South Africa.
Employment Bills are top of the list as the ANC eagerly pushes through legislation ahead of the 2014 elections.
A draft of new legislation is changing the face of South Africa’s short-term insurance sector and could lead to higher costs for consumers.
Strong legislatures in Parliament are essential to improving people’s quality of life, writes Nkosikhulule Nyembezi and Sam Waterhouse.
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/ 25 February 2011
The process of establishing an office to assist Parliament’s oversight of the budgeting process and enable it to amend the budget remains in limbo.
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/ 26 January 2009
South Africa’s most popular sports are on a warpath with the Department of Sport and Recreation over new legislation that was sent out in December.
A draft Bill has been submitted to Parliament to enable authorities to prosecute all forms of human trafficking.
Opponents of legislation face a dilemma: should they concentrate on fighting it or on ensuring that any new body preserves the Scorpions’ approach?
Three Bills have been tabled simultaneously in the National Assembly aimed at ending floor-crossing legislation.