The dream team
/ 11 June 2010

The dream team

In a country awash with unrestrained patriotism the biggest favour we can do for our nation is to remember that it’s our democracy that needs to win.

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/ 11 September 2007

The spook and the spin doctor

I meet the spook at coffee shops on the post-industrial fringes of town, past the tile warehouse, table at the back. The spin doctor prefers a fashionable bar where art-school luvvies with constructivist haircuts serve espresso kissed with golden foam. We take a high-visibility table and I listen as he tells me the truth with a slant, writes Nic Dawes.

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/ 24 November 2006

Selebi: Here’s the evidence, minister

A police headquarters investigation three years ago gathered damning evidence against Glenn Agliotti — giving the lie to police Commissioner Jackie Selebi’s claim that he did not know his friend was a crook. The investigation gathered evidence not only of Agliotti’s allegedly criminal activities, but also of his involvement with Palto, a squad of "freelance" operatives who used Selebi and the police as their cover.

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/ 17 November 2006

Kebble arrest: What now for Selebi?

The arrest of Glenn Agliotti on suspicion of murdering mining magnate Brett Kebble has opened perhaps the biggest can of worms in South Africa’s criminal history. The arrest could have grave implications for police National Commissioner Jackie Selebi, who famously called Agliotti "my friend, finish and <i>klaar</i>".