ANC factions united on Zweli Mkhize
/ 5 August 2021

ANC factions united on Zweli Mkhize

Despite agreement that it would be politically ‘unwise’ for the president to remove the health minister before the Special Tribunal makes its decision on the application by the Special Investigating Unit, he may have just done so

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/ 15 April 2008

ANC: Zimbabwe is in a state of crisis

Zimbabwe is in a state of crisis, the African National Congress (ANC) national working committee said on Monday. ”The ANC regards [the ruling] Zanu-PF as an ally. However, it is concerned with the state of crisis that Zimbabwe is in and perceives this as negative for the entire Southern African Development Community region,” said spokesperson Jesse Duarte.

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/ 8 January 2008

ANC stands by Zuma despite charges

Top leaders of the African National Congress said on Tuesday they had ”grave misgivings” about the timing and handling of corruption charges against newly elected leader Jacob Zuma. Zuma has been charged with fraud, corruption, money laundering, racketeering and tax evasion.