Protecting our loved ones from harm and destruction is brave and noble but the insistence on framing the brutality in Phoenix in terms of the protection narrative is disingenuous
The testimonials of black doctors have given credence to allegations of racial profiling. Of those listed on a Gems blacklist, 94% of general practitioners were black
"Do I go Winnie or Mandela on him? Urrrggghhhh, I’m just trying to get fit, I don’t want to think about racism right now bletty shet".
The shooting of the 12-year-old-boy in 2014 was described as a "perfect storm of human error" by the prosecutor, Tim McGinty.
An officer seen in a viral video throwing a bikini-clad girl to the ground and pulling a gun on other youths has resigned, says police chief.
The story of Assata Shakur – wanted by the FBI since 1973 – shows how revolutionaries do not ‘drop from the moon’ but are shaped by society.
The Oscar-nominated film comes to our screens at a time when racial and social equality debates are as topical as they were back in 1965.
Comments on the area association’s Facebook page show there’s racism in Cape Town’s quaint Harfield Village – and it exists throughout the country.
In what appears to be another incident of racial profiling in the US, a man was killed by a police officer who thought he was reaching for a gun.
Police officer Darren Wilson has not been seen in public since shooting Michael Brown, and black Americans doubt whether he will face justice.
Tensions have risen in the St Louis suburb where Michael Brown (18) was shot multiple times by a police officer.
The controversial "Shoot the boer" struggle song has taken on a new form, "Shoot the Jew", which even pro-Palestinian activists have condemned.
<i>M&G</i> proprietor Trevor Ncube found himself on the receiving end of harassment this weekend while entering South Africa after a business trip.
Harvard academic agrees to meet white officer who detained him as United States President Barack Obama seeks to defuse tension.