The Zupta decade: Governments and global corporates, banks and consultants must stop enabling money laundering
The fact that the motion was defeated by only a 21 vote margin is unprecedented.
Eskom’s contracts have ballooned remarkably since Tegeta’s takeover of Optimum Holdings
Our robust civil society seems to be one of two other buffers against the risk of ‘state capture’.
Malema the Conqueror and Maimane of Sunspear are not having anything of what the King’s dragon conveys.
Readers write in about state capture, whiteness, the ‘colonial literary system’, and the Kardashians.
Factions for and against Zuma are beginning to show their hands as 2017 leadership fight looms.
Readers write in about capitalism, and owner-drivers.
The voices of people such as former SANDF chief Siphiwe Nyanda, whose ANC credentials cannot be questioned, are vital.
Citizens need to examine their own complicity in allowing the government to cosy up to business.
In the aftermath of last week’s allegations that the Gupta family had tried to ‘buy’ various Cabinet positions, the family and ANC agreed to meet.
If the revelations of manipulation and greed are proven true it could be the end of the entwinement and the Zupta’s hold on South African society.
Pravin Gordhan has warned in this budget that South Africa is at risk of becoming a “kleptocracy” if there is no improvement in business ethics.