Cabinet Report Cards 2022

Thulas Thembelani Nxesi (Grade C+)

Thulas Thembelani Nxesi (Grade C+)

DepartmentDepartment of Public Service and Administration Key Goals 1. Receive a clean audit: Achieved2. Get the cabinet to approve Batho Pele standards: Achieved3. Balance the pay scale: Failed4. Mobilise a multidisciplinary team in partnership with universities for the National Development Plan: Achieved Analysis Thulas Nxesi inherited a department that has been in a critical position […]

Thokozile Didiza  (Grade C-)

Department Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Key Goals Analysis Didiza’s 21-day nationwide ban on the movement of cattle in response to the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease cost more than R700 million, and affected 35 000 workers and 4 500 seasonal workers.  The ban was necessary but there was no recovery plan, with industry experts saying the department […]

Mondli Gungubele (Grade C-)

DepartmentMinister in the presidency Key Goals Analysis Since taking over as minister in the presidency, Gungubele has seen huge changes in his job and certainly one of the most testing times for his presidency. Part of the criticism he had to deal with early on in his position, having been appointed in 2020 after the […]

David Mabuza (Grade E)

DepartmentDeputy President Key Goals Analysis Of all the cabinet members that have been found wanting in their positions, none compares to the deputy president.  The common factor in most of the media’s analysis was that Mabuza has dismally failed in carrying his responsibility to the country and its president.  Until recently, it was difficult to […]

Ronald Lamola (Grade C)

Ronald Lamola (Grade C)

DepartmentJustice and Correctional Services Key Goals AnalysisIt is a comfort that Ronald Lamola is surrounded by capable officials because his political ambitions are as consuming as the demands of his day job. It’s been a busy time on both fronts. The justice department is heading for a budget windfall of billions in February meant to […]

Blade Nzimande (Grade C)

Blade Nzimande (Grade C)

DepartmentHigher Education, Science and Innovation Key Goals Analysis Blade Nzimande had a quiet but effective year. Tertiary education institutions are back in full swing.  Although the pandemic will have lasting effects on basic and higher education, it has very much settled in the background and allowed departments to move forward.  But a struggle the department […]

Maite Nkoana-Mashabane (Grade E)

Maite Nkoana-Mashabane (Grade E)

DepartmentPresidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Key Goals 1. Establish the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF): Failed2. Launch multi-sectoral GBVF rapid response teams in all provinces, district and local municipality levels: Progress3. Roll out technical monitors and data capturers in six provinces to enhance the capacity of provinces to implement […]

Thandi Modise (Grade C)

Thandi Modise (Grade C)

DepartmentDefence and Military Veterans Key Goals Analysis The department of defence has made progress towards achieving some of its key goals during Thandi Modise’s first full year in office, but its financial management continues to be of real concern, as does its failure to make full disclosures to the auditor general. During the 2021-22 financial […]

Aaron Motsoaledi (Grade E)

Aaron Motsoaledi (Grade E)

DepartmentHome Affairs Key Goals 1. Revamp the immigration system: Failed2. Address the backlog of the asylum and refugee appeals: Failed3. Minimise the time that systems are offline to address long queues: Failed4. Implement the Border Management Authority: Progress Analysis What should have been a good public relations event,when Motsoaledi issued smart ID cards to a […]

Mmamoloko Kubayi (Grade C)

Mmamoloko Kubayi (Grade C)

DepartmentHuman Settlements Key Goals 1. Authorise the Housing Development Agency to implement informal settlements upgrading programmes on behalf of provinces: Progress2. Appoint new board members at various housing entities: Achieved3. Initiative between the department, the treasury and Northern Cape and Eastern Cape to expedite housing delivery: Progress4. Establish Operation Vulindlela to address the backlog of […]

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (Grade D)

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (Grade D)

DepartmentCooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Key Goals Analysis With 42 of South Africa’s municipalities having collapsed, and another 151 teetering on the brink, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma faces almost as severe a challenge as she did with the nation’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Dlamini-Zuma has spearheaded key interventions to try […]

Angie Motshekga (Grade C+)

Angie Motshekga (Grade C+)

DepartmentBasic Education Key Goals Analysis The 2022 academic year was the first in two years that went ahead without any Covid-19 disruptions.  The department’s reports show it might take eight years to recover the learning time lost during the pandemic.  In January, Motshekga laid down a recovery plan for the education system, including trimming down […]

Bhekokwakhe Hamilton Cele (Grade C-)

Bhekokwakhe Hamilton Cele (Grade C-)

DepartmentPolice Key Goals 1. Recruit and train 12 000 new officers over the medium term expenditure framework (up to the 2023-24 financial year): Achieved2. Strengthen crime intelligence to avoid a recurrence of the July 2021 unrest: Failed3. Address root causes of crime and violence: Partially achieved4. Fight gender-based violence and femicide: Partially achieved Analysis There […]

Naledi Pandor (Grade D)

Naledi Pandor (Grade D)

DepartmentInternational Relations and Cooperation Key Goals AnalysisNaledi Pandor has had the impossible task of not alienating Russian President Vladimir Putin, or more crucial allies, while he commits war crimes in the Ukraine and threatens nuclear calamity. When the war began, the department of international relations urged Russia to respect a sovereign neighbour and withdraw its […]

Lindiwe Zulu (Grade D)

Lindiwe Zulu (Grade D)

DepartmentDepartment of Social Development Key Goals 1. Improve grant system and prevent fraud: Progress 2. Strengthen prevention and response mechanisms to reduce gender-based violence and femicide: Progress 3. Basic income grant for tabling to cabinet: Progress 4. Address the shortage of social workers: Failed Analysis One of Lindiwe Zulu’s biggest headaches is the poor state […]

Enoch Godongwana (Grade C-)

Enoch Godongwana (Grade C-)

DepartmentFinance Key Goals Analysis Enoch Godongwana has emerged as one of the most trusted members of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s cabinet.  Regarded as highly rational, Godongwana’s second year in the position has seen him continue his role as the finance minister with one of the tightest grips on the country’s purse strings. And, at least for […]