Honesty and ethics are in short supply among this vital department’s officials
The ongoing Afrophobic behaviour in our country is misdirected anger and frustration at the fact that black South Africans still have to make do with welfare crumbs
Julius Malema and his Economic Freedom Fighters have joined the anti-black immigrant chorus, demonising those from countries such as Zimbabwe.
Stigmatising the marginalised is driven by vested interests, both in the case of African foreign nationals subject to xenophobia and South Africans facing economic doom
Afrophobia is an imported anti-African sentiment that internalises colonialism because current state borders never existed in African societies
Racist and derogatory videos are causing incalculable damage to China’s image in Africa, but this is unlikely to change the relationship
City streets are ‘washed’ to cleanse them of work competitors and for moral, cultural and social restoration
In sorrow over the way migrants are treated in South Africa, Achille Mbembe calls for Africa to adopt a pro-migration stance
"One just has to look at his legacy."
All political parties in SA try to mobilise voters based on their and voters’ xenophobia and they’re outdoing each other
South Africans need to be taught that our democracy is thanks to our neighbours
There’s another reason why xenophobia festers as South Africa’s national disease.
"Do liberals care to chip away at inequality in the spaces they control?"
We don’t just need détente between black and white, but also between black and black.
Africa’s leaders gathering for the AU summit will discuss the problem of xenophobia to sensitise all countries on the continent about the problem.
The state frames and perpetrates self-hate among blacks through violence – as in Operation Fiela.
Operation Fiela has such wide objectives one can’t help but conclude that it is actually a ruse to criminalise Africans.
The hatred is not only on the streets; it is in boardrooms and in the state – and it’s planned.