Shame and stigma, as well as the lack of facilities, are barriers to healing, experts say
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The list of medicines nurses can prescribe hasn’t changed since 1984, so they can’t dispense beyond schedule four drugs
New apps and online therapy show promise, but more research is needed to help understand who will benefit from digital interventions
Acceptability, access and affordability are the issues that need to be tackled to effect a major improvement across the nation.
While people are taking mental health more seriously, the commodification of workers can turn a job into a toxic space that depletes more than it uplifts
Dr Zolelwa Sifumba went from being a frontline healthcare worker to stepping back from clinical work. She speaks to Elna Schütz about her shift into more open spaces
A student wellness consultant gives advice on how to cope with – and overcome – examination anxiety
The effects of global warming are negatively affecting mental well-being and will only accelerate in the future, according to a new report
Despite the life-threatening anarchy occurring in areas where we work, one is still expected to show up and replace fear and anxiety with warmth and enthusiasm
Players and journalists are necessarily intertwined, but there have to be more considerate and respectful ways to bring the game to spectators
Mokgadi Mabela is the bee lady whose love for good honey has blossomed into a business. She tells us about her genius dad and her late introduction to bees
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Doctors and nurses are dog-tired, depressed and anxious. Experts share some tips on how to cope
There’s not been enough talk about the toll of the pandemic on our mental health
To combat anxiety in a disrupted, pandemic-riddled world, it’s better to channel creativity into storytelling, art and design than into conspiracy theories
Anxious Jo’burg, edited by Nicky Falkof and Cobus van Staden, acknowledges the city as a real place and not a horrifying stereotype
In his latest book, philosopher John Gray examines how cats live according to their nature — and how us humans could benefit from emulating their (c)attitude
A new book has collected writing about the condition of living, yes, with a high crime rate, but also other, more pervasive existential urban stresses particular to the Global South
Children are often unable to verbalise their feelings of anxiety or depression, instead presenting with physical symptoms or odd behaviour. Diagnosis and treatment is crucial to set them on a healthy life-long path of managing their illness
Pontsho Pilane speaks to three women who have found it difficult to access quality healthcare because of medical professionals’ weight bias
Women with a history of depression are at greater risk, whereas antidepressant medication can negatively affect men’s fertility
The future is uncertain, and the number of people suffering from anxiety and depression is rising
Using narratives help human beings to cope with life … reading aloud to babies and children gives them this skill for the future
Conventional therapy is relied on when social and peer-to-peer interventions may be the answer
Today, I’m a weed activist. I’ve seen the injustice of really, really good people getting fucked by really bad laws
Mentally ill men and women are easy targets for rapists, who are often known to them, and they don’t always report such incidents through fear
The stigma of mental health disorders stops men from seeking help, often resulting in the adoption of destructive coping mechanisms
Tackling the problem requires leaders in all spheres to make mental health a global priority
The disorder is often misdiagnosed because symptoms mask the problem, but it can be treated with therapy
Scientists studied soldiers with PTSD and even children who’d witnessed a great tragedy. Did they unlock the secrets of resilience?
That nagging fear may cause you to fall apart, but it may also serve as a call to action
‘So many people ask me why I don’t just give up, but what they don’t get is that this is not my degree alone’
The ‘nagging little monsters’ of anxiety taunt us as we journey on the pursuit of endless #goals