Why government would fall short of cash if the fuel levy is scrapped
/ 5 July 2022

Why government would fall short of cash if the fuel levy is scrapped

But restructuring the Road Accident Fund levy would reduce pressure on consumers

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/ 12 May 2008

AA cautions against fuel-saving gadgets

A wonder fuel-saving pill has entered the local market but the Automobile Association (AA) warned consumers on Monday to be cautious of such products. The tablet, called the MPG Cap, is added to tanks to make petrol burn more efficiently, said Tim Dunstan-Smith, who claims he was the first person to bring the product to South Africa.

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/ 31 March 2008

AA: Petrol price hike will hit shop shelves

Hikes in the petrol price will impact negatively on motorists’ and commuters’ disposable income, the Automobile Association (AA) of South Africa warned on Monday. ”The impact of the highest fuel prices ever in the history of transport in South Africa will without doubt be felt on the supermarket shelves,” the AA said in a statement.