Coalitions in South Africa are not new, and they have exposed little political maturity from the politicians to efficiently manage and run municipalities
With the advent of coalition politics at local and national level, policies are needed that help to maintain stability
The party has a long history of deal-making and alliances. The DA and other partners in the GNU are new bedfellows but the ANC owes much of its historic success to its open-mattress policy
Broad agreement will be followed by talks to flesh out how the coalition will work
In forming a new government, the ANC needs to ensure its partners can improve governance and service delivery
The coalitions that will soon take place will determine the course of South Africa for years to come
As the 14 days to announce a coalition government commences, investors are nervous and the rand is flat
The failure of coalitions in metros demonstrates the need for transparent and publicly available agreements
The only certain thing is that there will be a scramble to form a new government – and possible instability
The Economic Freedom Fighters look to Tshwane to boost one million voter target for Gauteng
Young people are tokenized in politics; everyone wants them to vote, but nobody is actually addressing their concerns
Participation in our fledgling democracy at all levels is the best way forward
Voters should ponder about what their vote means for the future of South Africa
The local currency could be in for more volatility as political push-and-pull raises uncertainty
With the right amount of planning, political coalitions can work – and even create the environment for better economic solutions
The ANC accuses the EFF of trying to govern Ekurhuleni metro, where the two parties are in a coalition, without consultation
The government hopes to have local government regulations ready by the next municipal poll in 2026
President Cyril Ramaphosa said the ANC was confident in its strategy to win elections
‘We must get adults into the room who will focus on issue- and policy-driven coalitions, rather than position- and deal-making coalitions’
At least 73 people have died and scores injured when the building they lived in burnt down
Coalitions should be redefined to have an ideological base — instead of one dominant party these groupings would allow collaborative power-sharing
Legally binding coalition agreements are among measures being suggested to stabilise governance
The country’s success is far more important than that of any of its political parties, writes Paul Mashatile, deputy president of South Africa
National executive committee members are at odds over a coalition with the EFF, with some vowing to lobby party leaders against the arrangement
The stayaway will test the party’s leadership, machinery and ability to mobilise its supporters on the streets and in the election booths
If South Africa is moving from being a dominant-party system to a more vibrant, multiparty democracy, as these elections indicate, then coalitions are going to have to become the norm
As the increasingly less relevant ANC vacates the middle ground and the centre-left, a void opens, which will urgently need to be filled
Talks between the two parties have resumed, but it is unclear if any agreement will be reached any time soon
After a whirlwind two weeks, the Democratic Alliance’s ‘win’ of metros is no celebration as members fear the coming tide of instability
No clear winners after weeks of jostling for 160 hung municipalities
Three days and three nights of skulduggery keep the Son of Man out of Durban’s mayoral parlour
Holders of expired Zimbabwe exemption permits who are not successful in applying for other permits within 12 months will have to leave South Africa or be deported