About 1 500 South Africans are stuck abroad, waiting to see if the government can help them to return home
Ministers representing the the Covid-19 national command council are scheduled to update the nation on the status of the 21-day lockdown.
The country’s elites can no longer jet away to overseas health facilities and must now face the hospital system that could not help Zororo Makamba, a 30-year-old who died of the virus
The provisions have been introduced to contain the spread of Covid-19, but some may infringe on certain constitutional rights
In one of South Africa’s most densely populated suburbs, the national lockdown is being implemented with force
Why South Africa should consider amnesty for undocumented migrants in the time of the coronavirus outbreak.
President Cyril Ramaphosa is scheduled to address the nation on the measures currently being undertaken to contain the coronavirus pandemic
Under a state of national disaster, some rights may be suspended. But it is critical to remember that the Constitution itself is not suspended
After testing negative for Covid-19, 112 South Africans quarantined in Limpopo can now go home
The Motsepe family has called on corporations with financial means to exercise “ubuntu” by contributing money to assist the government to combat the spread of Covid-19
Despite “extreme sympathy”, court says it must uphold the law
It’s difficult to enforce a lockdown in informal settlements, and social distancing may be impossible. New ideas are needed
The coronavirus outbreak through the eyes of a South African doctor in Seattle
A religious and nationalist agenda has replaced the promise of development and left India ill-equipped to manage the pandemic
The death comes after complaints of deplorable conditions at the quarantine center where she was housed
Bullets also fired indiscriminately at people in the inner city, homeless or not
Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the situation in Zimbabwe could not have been much worse
Ramaphosa tells Parliament that the military deployment to curb Covid-19 will cost more than R600-million
With the country starting its 21-day lockdown, the health minister announced the first deaths on Friday morning
Tracing the close contacts of people who test positive for coronavirus disease is a delicate dance. Here’s why these health workers wait
for the cover of darkness to take action
With thousands of samples still waiting to be processed, labs are racing to ramp up testing to help the government gain a better idea of how prevalent Covid-19 really is
Visits cancelled to residential centres as The Association for the Aged braces for the virus
What lessons can we learn for today from the 2008-09 cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe?
The lockdown regulations provide for strong curtailment of people’s movements, but many details of their implementation are still to come
Not everyone can get tested for the coronavirus. There are structures in place guiding health practitioners when it comes to screening patients for testing
Earlier this month, the government implemented a 30-day moratorium on prison visits. But, given the lack of healthcare in prisons, more proactive measure are needed
The crisis is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for unscrupulous leaders to further their own interests — and they are already taking advantage
Employees at the embattled state-owned airline have been forced to take leave as SAA cancels all flights during South Africa’s lockdown
Humans are primed to lay the blame for this pandemic at nature’s door, but if we do not wish to reap disaster, we should not sow its seeds
The Covid-19 lockdown means wealthy citizens must take a long-overdue look at our privilege. Now is the time for cross-class solidarity
The ratings agency is expected to say on Friday whether it will downgrade SA’s credit rating to junk, but it could hold off until the Covid-19 pandemic eases