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/ 4 March 2011

Ex-miners who yearn to breathe easier

In a bumpy backstreet in Mthatha stands the offices of the ex-mineworkers’ union, founded in 1987. There are seven stacks of dusty files in one corner, each the height of an adult, containing compensation applications and other paperwork for each of the union’s members in the Eastern Cape. “About 18 000 members,” says Zanele Mbuyisa, a […]

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/ 16 April 2007

Grandson of Mandela reclaims leadership role

Kings and royalty from South Africa’s many different tribes will gather on Monday to witness the grandson of former South African president Nelson Mandela reclaim the family’s position as traditional leaders. Mandla Mandela (32) will be installed as head of the Mvezo Traditional Council by the King of the AbaThembu, Zwelibanzi Dalindyebo.

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/ 28 November 2005

Teenager dies at circumcision school

One boy has died and eight others were admitted to the Mthatha general hospital after they fell ill at a circumcision school in the area, the Eastern Cape Health Department said on Monday. ”When we got there on Sunday night one of the boys had already died. Two are in a critical condition and the others are stable,” said spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo.

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/ 12 August 2005

Missing Mthatha boys found murdered

Two missing Mthatha boys were found sodomised and murdered at a disused bus depot on Friday, Eastern Cape police said. The boys — aged six and 12 — disappeared late on Thursday afternoon. ”I have just come from the scene. It is terrible, terrible,” said police spokesperson Superintendent Nondumiso Jafta

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/ 11 April 2005

E Cape cracks down on welfare fraudsters

The Eastern Cape social development department is investigating 2 000 public servants thought to be cheating the state out of R24-million in welfare grants. Those under suspicion include teachers and employees of the Eastern Cape agriculture department. Eight civil servants were arrested at Mthatha on Monday morning for grant fraud.