Opposition groups have hailed the decision as a ‘victory for democracy’
Proponents of nuclear power claim it is safe and cheaper than renewable energy but eco-justice activists say it is expensive and dangerous
This is the second nuclear challenge the government will be fighting after they lost against NGOs in 2017
Nuclear energy is thought to be a solution to the baseload concerns facing the country
A discussion document prepared for the youth league’s national congress weighs in on the ‘baseload’ debate
The mineral resources and energy department is pushing for nuclear power but experts argue that this is unsafe and will take too long to implement
One of the main factors contributing to a sudden increase in load-shedding is not sustaining maintenance for the old fleet
Civil society organisations and civilians are requesting transparency and participation in the decisions regarding the life extension of Koeberg
Minerals and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe agrees that green energy is cost competitive and calls for equitable ownership in the sector
Rhisotope project aims to significantly reduce demand for rhino horns by safely applying radioisotopes to deter poachers
The powerships will be more expensive for consumers than wind and solar energy and isn’t required for reliable electricity generation
Legal processes required to grant a licence for South Africa’s nuclear power plant have not been followed, civil society organisations say
The project will extend operating life of South Africa’s only nuclear power plant by another 20 years
It has displays covering art, history, dinosaurs, nuclear energy, craftwork and music as well as live animals, for it is also a zoo
Last week’s tremor has anti-nuclear campaigners questioning the safety of Koeberg, although the nuclear facility said the plant is designed to sustain a magnitude-seven earthquake
After three decades’ use, South Africa’s only nuclear power plant could see its lifespan extended by 20 years — despite objections
The Minister of Energy said he was of the view that government did not appeal the court ruling in 2017 which invalidated the nuclear deal
Radebe says nuclear energy will remain one of the mechanisms government will use to diversity its sources of energy in the future
The department of energy plans to cut its budget allocation for clean energy, much to the disappointment of the portfolio committee on energy
For South Africa decommissioning its nuclear plant Koeberg is a reality that cannot be ignored much longer
Readers write in about debating nuclear power stations.
Westinghouse and Areva’s troubles have been compounded by the anti-nuclear lobby, but developing world ambitions remain.
Eskom favours the model that cuts emissions and renewables because nuclear would start sooner.
Locking South Africa into a nuclear build makes no sense, unless you are a politician with something to gain.
The energy plan does not reflect how much has changed since 2010.
The government is ignoring its own warnings to take drastic action to curb climate change.
The hidden costs of nuclear power and disingenuous claims made by the industry regulator cloud clarity about SA’s energy needs.
Costs, stability and security concerns may stand in the way of nations with dreams of going fissile.
Promising no load-shedding this winter, Eskom says it is ahead of schedule in building new units and won’t rule out dabbling in nuclear.
A severe nuclear accident can happen anywhere, and its impact extends over great distances. The socioeconomic consequences are significant.
Government will only expand nuclear capacity ‘after a thorough and transparent tender process’ and at a ‘scale and pace that is affordable’.
Survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks are campaigning to halt Brazil’s nuclear plans.