A covert undertaking, Operation Wave, paid out R48-million to journalists and media houses from state security funds
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The president was presented with evidence about state capture that it was hard to believe escaped the attention of those in power, including himself
The president told the Zondo commission the ruling party dropped the ball but struggled over two days on the witness stand to explain how it happened and how a repeat will be prevented
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The deputy chief justice invited the president to reflect on the matter, given continued corruption since 2017 when he said the party reached a watershed
President Cyril Ramaphosa acknowledged that cadre deployment was abused to further state capture, but played for time when Zondo pressed him for details as to how it happened
The president conceded the ANC must answer for what happened on its watch as he took the witness stand days before the party is to expel implicated members refusing to step aside
The deputy chief justice says an attack on one witness may deter many others from giving evidence
The deputy chief justice says he has to act because Zuma’s defiance risks inciting lawlessness
Former State Security Agency boss Arthur Fraser goes on the offensive as allegations mount against him at the inquiry into state capture
Journalists who received payments from the state security agency will be named only once the Zondo commission has notified them in writing
Ms K’s and Mr Y’s affidavits and testimony have alleged a picture going back to 2008 of how the former president and his aides worked — and allegedly abused the SSA
The state capture commission’s star witness now faces a criminal complaint and another summons
The summons to compel the former president to appear before the state capture commission stands, says legal head
The former president’s advocate and commission lawyers were embroiled in a showdown of who best argued the apprehension of bias doctrine
The former Bosasa says he has gotten to the constant threats but says he ought to take them more seriously
On Tuesday, a recording of the former Bosasa COO’s racist tirade was played before the Zondo commission
Former Bosasa COO told the commission the company’s spokesperson was allocated R71 000 in cash bribes, part of which was allegedly paid to journalists
A litany of allegations over corruption involving state departments has plagued Bosasa companies and directors for more than a decade
In his testimony, Nene revealed that he had visited the Gupta compound in Saxonwold for tea on three occasions: once in 2010 and twice more in 2014
On Tuesday, Business Day reported that Nhlanhla Nene had held several meetings with the Gupta family during his tenure as deputy finance minister