Jon Henley
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/ 31 October 2003

Chirac’s European dilemma

French President Jacques Chirac ended two days of intense but fruitless talks with France’s main political leaders this week still facing one of the most painful dilemmas of his long political career: whether or not to call a referendum to ratify Europe’s new Constitution.

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/ 14 June 2003

Chirac, wife hauled over the coals

A Paris investigating magistrate has overruled a senior public prosecutor and set up a formal inquiry into the £1,4-million grocery bill claimed by President Jacques Chirac and his wife during eight of the 18 years that the president spent as mayor of the French capital.

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/ 17 September 2002

Biggest mismatch in military history

April 11 2002. About 10.20am. A coach full of German tourists is bumping down the road that leads to the ancient El Ghriba synagogue on the Tunisian island of Djerba. Around the corner, in a narrow, cobbled lane that runs alongside, an old Iveco tanker truck is waiting, driver inside.