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/ 20 November 2007

JSE lower on volatility among miners

Volatility in resource stocks, as well as in the mining indices, buried the JSE in the red at midday on Tuesday. At noon, the all-share index gave up 0,69%, led by a 1,69% pull back in the gold-mining index. Resources dipped 1,59% and the platinum-mining index was off 0,42%. Financials eased 0,27% and banks were unchanged (+0,01%), but industrials inched up 0,15%.

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/ 3 October 2007

The palace of largesse

If it achieves nothing else, the visit by the South Korean President, Roh Moo-hyun, will at least make its mark on one of North Korea’s most spectacular and unusual tourist attractions. The International Friendship Exhibition Hall is a monument to the price that dignitaries pay when courting one of the world’s most reclusive nations.