The platinum belt is roiling with tension once more after the assassination of Numsa organiser Malibongwe Mdazo
Any plans to change from coal-fired power to renewable and affordable electricity must include turning the power utility into a true public entity
The business rescue practitioners say 29 of the fleet of 48 planes, various routes and inefficient services also need to go in the state-owned airline is to survive
The airline’s employees in Durban have been told to join the unemployment queue on March 1 because the city’s route will be closed at the end of February
Although Benjamin Fogel denies the relevance of the South African Communist Party — and gets a few facts wrong — some of his points are correct
Those in power will use propaganda and repressive state apparatus to maintain their grasp on the country’s purse strings
Those in power will use propaganda and repressive state apparatus to maintain their grasp on the country’s purse strings
Numsa’s general secretary says the party’s aim is to push the workers’ interest in all sectors of society.
Numsa, in a statement, said the two sides would continue talks in early January over wages and shift patterns
Despite a legal obligation to inform on their comrades, workers across the country are refusing to do so, resulting in dismissal
Tito Mboweni returns to the public service at a time when South Africa faces an unemployment crisis and low economic growth
Labour brokers were reined in by the Concourt, but they are already trying to exploit loopholes
The Casual Workers Advice Office has dealt with at least nine different cases that have been unfairly postponed at the CCMA
Workers are expected to take to the streets across the country to protest among other things the minimum wage
Saftu with its affiliates, is embarking on a protected strike as part of the campaign to call on the government to rectify labour law amendments
In a statement issued by Numsa General Secretary Irvin Jim, the union said that the sector “insulted workers and commuters”
Just who is Transform RSA?
A new federation could introduce a host of problems or revitalise the unions, change many lives and benefit the economy.
A Port Elizabeth school is livid with its absent principal, who is well enough to punt a new union but is yet to show up at school.
A Numsa report shows the looting for workers’ money by its shop stewards for "stress relief" and "drowning of sorrows".
President Jacob Zuma’s laughing off Nkandla in Parliament and the police minister’s report into the saga are examples of corruption denialism.
The failure by ANC make fundamental changes to the economy is at the heart of xenophobic violence, said Numsa’s Irvin Jim
Numsa calls for inquiry into Eskom and says it must open its books for public scrutiny.
Not only has Cosatu expelled the metalworkers’ union from the federation, but factory workers in Nigel are braced for big job cuts.
Numsa’s Irvin Jim says the union will lobby its members to reject the expulsion and will forge ahead with its plans to launch a “united front”.
The metalworkers’ union had tired of the ANC and wanted Cosatu to break with the ruling party and come with them into a brave new socialist future.
Numsa is playing all its cards and forging ahead, at all costs, with its plans to stand firm in its political ideals.
A political analyst says despite its strength in numbers, Numsa is wise to tread carefully with trade federation Cosatu.
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/ 11 September 2014
The four-week strike led by trade union Numsa in July disrupted the manufacturing sector causing production and output to shrink.
Socialist symposium has given the union enough ideological firepower to take capitalism head on.
A dispute over union membership numbers is holding up the extension of the wage agreement.
Numsa says its NEC has agreed to consult members on the wage offer in the metal sector.