Massive proposed electricity price increases will leave many South Africans having to choose between buying food or having power
The minister said the Democratic Alliance must understand that the new government is a single entity, not a federation
Critics suggest the utility has caved in to political pressure to keep the lights on at all costs ahead of the 29 May elections
Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan says all critical elements for creating a more dynamic, responsive and competitive electricity industry are in place
Wheeling electricity across the grid offers a solution to South Africa’s power crisis, so why is it not happening in the energy heartland?
The trade union federation is concerned that the city has implemented price increases higher than Nersa’s recommended 15.1% for municipalities
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa has approved one licence instead of the three needed to get the National Transmission Company of South Africa up and running
The energy regulator approved the issuing of a licence to the transmission division of the power utility and gave the green light for additional new generation capacity
The utility has said needs more funds for the fuel to meet a court order that public schools and hospitals are exempt from load-shedding
The deputy president told the National Council of Provinces that the municipal debt relief would be conditional and application-based
The national energy regulator will decide whether the National Transmission Company South Africa will get a licence
The national energy regulator believes gas projects will help reduce load-shedding
Power utility says the high court challenge to the increase is flawed in law, and could mean more load-shedding, or worse, a credit default
Political parties and NGOs will be taking Nersa and Eskom to court for granting the utility an 18.65% tariff hike
Nineteen interest groups are seeking urgent relief from ongoing load-shedding to ensure the provision of basic services
Party seeks to interdict Eskom from implementing 18.65% hike, pending the outcome of an application to have it set aside as unconstitutional
Opposition parties and other organisations aim to take Eskom to court over the crippling power cuts
Eskom is taking on the national regulator over a 33% price hike, while its head jumps ship
The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse has questioned why Nersa has not immediately provided its reasons for issuing the controversial generation licences
Eskom price hike is ‘unsustainable’
The president says his surprise new energy reform plan will address the electricity crisis comprehensively
Lifting the cap on private power generation is aimed at ‘easing Eskom pressure’. Producers won’t need a Nersa licence, but still require other permits
The law of demand says that the higher the price of a good is, the less people will demand it. But Eskom, sales of electricity have been dropping, yet the utility wants consumers to even pay more for its good
Business associations are urging companies to continue seeking alternative energy sources in light of Eskom’s court judgement which would allow the utility to bump up electricity prices up to 15% from next year April 2021.
The current electricity pricing policy rewards the power utility for inefficiencies. Fix it and the state-owned entity will have a chance to recover
Despite alarm over the recent lifeline, state says the power utility is not on the brink of collapse
Initially, when Eskom made its tariff application, it was estimated it would cause 150 000 job losses while hastening the demise of the gold sector
The government has introduced a range of ways to address Eskom’s woes
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa announced that Eskom’s tariffs will increase by 9.4% in 2019, 8.1% in 2020 and 5.2% in 2021
The power utility will get much less than it asked for, but the new tariffs will still bust pockets
A year ago, tensions between the government and the mining industry were high
Nersa kicked off its nationwide public hearings in Cape Town this week to deliberate on Eskom’s tariff applications