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/ 1 November 2007

Cuba libre

"At last, we are now on the freeway!" said my driver, exhaling proudly, adjusting his sunglasses and revving our white Hyundai hatchback to a recklessly exhilarating 80kph. I allowed myself a little smirk at the liberal use of the term "freeway" — a bold Americanism that appeared to be over-selling the rather rudimentary stretch of road ahead of us.

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/ 31 August 2007

Past penises and breasts to personal power

South African feminist writer Stephanie Vermeulen argues that men too are the victims of cultural forces that distort their lives. Her book <i>Stitched-Up: Who Fashions Women’s Lives?</i> will be published in the US this year, making her one of the first South African non-fiction feminist authors to be published there, writes Andrea Vinassa.